Are You Ready to Rebuild?

It has been said that one will never rebuild until he or she comes to the point of weeping over the ruins. Tragically, many of us are simply never grieved or burdened about the broken down walls and burned gates in our ministry or even in our own lives. When you read this, do you think of how long it has been since you wept and fasted over broken down walls in your life?

In the book of Nehemiah in the Bible when Nehemiah heard the report from his brother and others about the condition of Jerusalem, its broken down walls and burned gates, his passion index raised. Nehemiah states in the first sentence of the second paragraph of the book, that when he heard this news he sat down and wept, fasted, and prayed for several days. The news was devastating to Nehemiah. He was overcome with emotion concerning the condition of the ancestral city of his forefathers. Nehemiah ‘s passion index was raised. What does it take for your passion index to raise enough to have the desire to rebuild? Have you come to the point of weeping over broken down walls in your life?

Have you come to the point of weeping over the condition of your life, your business, marriage, church, or even your nation? If you’ve not come to the point of weeping over the condition, how can you expect to begin a truly rewarding rebuilding process? Is your church experiencing less attendance, fewer baptisms, smaller financial gifting than in previous years. If your church is experiencing any of these it is likely you are in decline. More than 80 percent of our churches across North America today are in a state of decline. With this many churches in decline, we are well beyond epidemic proportions.

If Nehemiah had not identified with the needs of the city of his fathers, a city which he had never seen or visited, the book of Nehemiah would never have been written. Nehemiah would never have left the comforts of the king’s palace. Jerusalem would have remained in ruins until God raised up another leader. Thank God for Nehemiah’s heart for the things of God and his Godly character. Nehemiah was about to take on a daunting task that was far beyond anything he had ever been part of. But he would accept the challenge without question because he was following the direction of God almighty. When you and I follow God as did Nehemiah, we do not see a challenge before us. We see our next act of obedient service to God. And God will provide and deliver.

The need is not about what has happened or about rebuilding the Past. The need is about finding your place and purpose in moving God’s kingdom work forward. It is not working against the manifestation of God’s direction, but about fulfilling the purpose for which you were created. The daunting task which Nehemiah accepted was accomplished in a timeframe that even today would be impossible. Through God’s direction and His divine assistance the mess was cleaned up, the walls rebuilt and the gates (all 12 of the gates) were restored with all new material in 52 days. Incredible!

It all started with one man who came to the point of weeping over broken down walls. Are you ready to begin the rebuilding process in your life, your church?

For more information on Nehemiah’s challenges read the book which bears his name in the Holy Bible, and purchase your copy of Reaching the Summit: Avoiding and Reversing Decline in the Church, and contact George Yates at SonC.A.R.E. Ministries.