Scripture shares the incredible value of the church in multiple ways. I pray that reading these will increase your consideration of valuing God’s church. These did not originate with me but were impressed upon me while reading John Crotts’ Loving the Church. As you read each one, consider the depth of meaning for you personally.
1, The Church is designed for the glory of God. All of creation was designed by God to bring glory to Him. The glory of anything manufactured belongs with its creator. Beauty may reside in the created piece, but the glory belongs to the creator. We are told in the New Testament that “in all we do, do it for the glory of God.”
2, Jesus is continually building His church. Jesus did not tell His Disciples, “Now that I am leaving, go and build…”. He did give us our mission – The Great Commission and closed it with the statement, “And low, I am with you to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20) He is with us, building His church each day of every year. We, His people, are the church.
3, Jesus died for His church because He loves His church as a groom loves his bride. Jesus values the church enough to give His own life in a cruel death for her. God loves the church so much that He allowed His one and only Son to die for her, for you and me (John 3:16).
4, Jesus is the foundation for the church. He came, lived, and spoke all to leave us His example to build upon. No building will stand without a solid foundation. You and I have the greatest foundation ever designed.
5, The church is made of precious materials. The God of the universe, who made everything that has been made, chose you and me to be the church. Why? Because He considered us His most precious building materials for His representation on earth.
6, Scripture’s metaphors reveal God’s value of the church. According to God’s own Word, we are called, the Bride of Christ, His Own body. Scripture also refers to us as the “Temple of the Holy Spirit”, God’s Temple on earth, the household of God. God values you, part of His church as a most precious part of His family’s existence.
7, The church is the earthly support of Truth. In today’s world we see attack on attack of God’s Truth – the only real truth. God values His church, you and me, to be the pillar of that truth, upholding truth, shining it like the brightest beacon in the darkest storm.
8, God designed the church to spread His Glory. As the holders of truth, we are to share the love and glory of God Almighty to a sin-sick world. It is our mission – The Great Commission to share the value of being God’s church, the bride of Christ.
9, God designed the church for your personal spiritual health and growth. God designed the church as one body to help the hurting parts, to strengthen the weaker parts, to work together in unison as each part has a function in fulfilling the work of Christ in the world. We are one body lifting, encouraging, equipping, and supplying the growth and health needs of one another.
The incredible value of the church is the incredible value God has placed upon you. Yes, you are that valuable to God!
George Yates is an Organizational Health Strategist and coach, assisting churches, organizations, and individuals in pursuing God’s purpose for life. Click here to receive this blog in your email inbox each Tuesday.