What Vehicle Carries Your Church?

You can have the nicest, newest, most plush car on the market, yet without the proper fuel in it, you are going nowhere. The same is true for your church and your church’s vehicle. But first, what is the vehicle of the church? Is it the people? No, the people are the church. Your vehicle is what carries your people to fruition of biblical values. Could it be the programs? No, programs can work in one church, but not the next.

It is your ministries, not programs, that carry your church from point A to point B, fulfilling The Great Commission. I also believe that in many churches Sunday morning happenings are programs. Sunday morning Bible study is a program. Worship service is a program. We even have printed “programs” for our worship.

A program has a beginning and an end. God’s ministry is ongoing. Therefore, you need a vehicle to get your church (people) from point A to point B. Your vehicle for God’s destination is your ministries. Yes, it is true, your Sunday activities can be vehicles – when we change the way we both view and practice them.

You cannot venture from Richmond, Virginia to San Diego, CA in one day in your auto (vehicle). If San Diego is your destination, you break the trip down into segments that are drivable. From Richmond to Louisville, KY. The next day to Little Rock, AR and so on each day.

In church we must do the same. Since our destination is to fulfill The Great Commission, and we truly never reach the completion of that journey, we break it down in doable segments. What set ambitions, our goals, for one year at a time. This does not mean we cannot look ahead, but our focus must be on what is in front of us – on this leg of our journey. By setting worthy/yet achievable goals, we build for the next leg of our journey.

I like to lead churches to set an Overarching Goal (OG) each year. “If there was only one thing we could focus on for this year, what is that one thing?” The OG should be broad enough that every person of the church (all ages) can participate, yet concise enough to be understood and printed in one sentence. We want everyone in our ministry vehicle with us on this journey.

Before you set out on this next leg of your journey, you might need a new or repaired vehicle – new/renewed ministries. Ministry is not sitting in prayer, Bible study, or worship services. Ministry is serving others. Ministry requires work/action. Ministry is God performing His work through His children. This is why we should consider the ministries of our church as our vehicle to accomplish God’s directive, The Great Commission. The right God-given ministries will grow disciples who grow disciples, propelling God’s church forward on our journey.

For more information on setting goals and finding right ministry vehicles contact George Yates or pick up a copy of Turnaround Journey.

George Yates is an Organizational Health Strategist and coach, assisting churches, organizations, and individuals in pursuing God’s purpose for life. Click here to receive this blog in your email inbox each Tuesday.