12 Concepts to Bring Enrichment to Life & Leadership

One concept every leader, every servant, every person should be continually asking of ourselves is, “How do I improve my effectiveness? What can I do to enrich my helpfulness?” Let me suggest twelve (12) concepts to bring about that enrichment on a continual basis.

1, Pray – Bathe ideas/concepts in Prayer, Pray for your own wisdom & discernment Pray for increased leadership skill

2, Develop Deeper Listening Skills – Words make up only seven (7) percent of what any person is communicating. Listen to voice tones and inflection. These two will communicate as much as words.  What are the eyes, facial expressions, and body language communicating. Each one of these areas are actively communicating when speaking or listening.

3, Lead by using Questions – Rather than closed ended (yes/no) questions, use questions that invoke higher order thought processes. The more we can learn to use properly formulated questions, the greater our leadership will be practiced and followed.

4, Wait for a Response – Never ask a question you do not want someone to answer. Never answer your own question. Silence can be positive. Jesus used it. Slow down and allow listeners time to process and respond.

5, Discovery Learning – People learn better when they discover answers for themselves. Provide learning experiences, i.e. Matthew 14:25-33 – Peter goes for a walk with the Lord on the water.

6, Leaders Input Comes Last – Once the leader speaks people tend to repress. Listen & encourage everyone to participate. A team member may have experience or an idea that the leader has never considered. Give credit to all ideas. Effective leaders learn when to speak and when to listen.

7, Healthy Debate – A great tool for strategy planning, yet seldom used. Healthy debate may involve conflict, yet the conflict is always on differing points of interest, not personalities. The key is to promote passion not personalities.

8, Sending with Affirmation, Follow-up & Accountability – 3 things to use ending every meeting. With these three you are setting the course for many tomorrows.

9, Changing Directional Thought Processes – Takes people deeper in the learning experience. Does not stop with attaching old information to new. Leads people to discovery of what they had not previously experienced or considered.

10, Showing Vulnerability as a Leader – Vulnerability is to be used as a strength. Revealing vulnerabilities relates you are human. Effective leaders understand revealing their own vulnerabilities brings out the strengths & creative genius of others.

11, Friendly Accountability – Does not hold a threat over someone. Breathes encouragement to move forward. Motivates toward accomplishment.

12, Leading to Build up – Promote and acknowledge positive behavior in others. Learn the difference between Redirection & Reprimand and when to use each. Correct in private, Praise in Public. Always end with Affirmation.

These are 12 concepts that I use in developing my leadership. What others could you offer? I pray you will put these to use and see a greater effectiveness in your life and leadership, with vast fruit bearing evidence.

George Yates is an Organizational Health Strategist and coach, assisting churches, organizations, and individuals in pursuing God’s purpose for life. Click here to receive this blog in your email inbox each Tuesday.