Avoid Falling Back

If you want to move forward, you cannot continue to fall back into old ways and trends. In Galatians chapter 5, verse 1, the Apostle Paul writes, Christ has liberated us to be free. Stand firm then and don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery.

I want to key in on “again”. Again means you’ve been there before. Paul says, don’t go there another time. Yet in the church, and our personal lives, it is easy, the comfortable thing to do, to return to our former ways.

Paul says stand firm and do not fall into the same old patterns of tradition or convenience. They both make you slaves to something that is not of God. Paul understood the ease of falling into the slavery of tradition, old patterns.

About six years ago, I was asked to help a church in Southwest Alabama. Sixteen months after my initial conversation with the pastor, I was invited to speak to the congregation on the one year anniversary of the church’s rebirth. God did a great work in that congregation and this is part of what I shared.

“We are all here as witnesses of that (God’s) great work. Some of you walked through and actually did the work,” the manual labor over the last sixteen months. Some tough, even painful decisions were made.

“I was privileged and honored to be used by God offering some coaching assistance, but I was not here on the ground, doing the actual work. And it was evident that God was here working in your midst.

Pastor Vaughn and I would email and talk by phone at least once a month and whenever we were together, when I was down here or he was in Prattville…”

“As your storyline progressed, I was impressed at how God was showing up. Whether He was providing materials or opportunities to share with others what was happening, I saw God’s hand at work. God has blessed and is still at work through you…”

“And yet, now is not the time to rest. There is still much to be done. The families of the students of the school across the street need to know that you care for them – that you continually care for them.

Partnering with a school is not about how to get them into the events you want to have. It is getting Jesus into their lives by demonstrating His love through your words and actions.”

“Not only the school. There are others in this community that need to know the Jesus of the Bible. I am here today to encourage you to charge ahead. Don’t allow yourselves to fall back into the tradition of doing things the way we used to.”

“Those days are gone. You buried them. God has given you a new day and a bright future.”

What God did for this church, He wants to do for you individually and for your church. Commit yourself fully to God and do not allow yourselves to fall back into the tradition of doing things the way we used to.”

George Yates is an Organizational Health Strategist and coach, assisting churches, organizations, and individuals in pursuing God’s purpose for life. Click here to receive this blog in your email inbox each Tuesday.