Identifying Potential Leaders

Leaders are made, not born. While it is true that not everyone is a natural leader, everyone can lead in some capacity. In fact everyone does lead in some capacity, even if it is leading in negativity, which is easy to get people to follow. All people have natural gifts and abilities that can be developed. In addition to these gifts, believers, followers of Jesus Christ also are blessed with Spiritual Gifts. Each of these gifts can be developed for use in leadership roles. Consider these following suggestions for identifying leaders.

Begin with prayer, regardless of your organization, begin with prayer. I am a firm believer in prayer as I have witnessed it firsthand in praying for leaders and leadership positions. God knows better than any of us how to fill positions with the right people.

Always be observant of the people in your organization. Watch for what people gravitate to naturally. In the church is he always hanging around the kitchen looking to help out? Is she always making her way to speaking to guests in a friendly, welcoming manner? Listen to what people enjoy speaking about and which conversations they engage in. Observation can one of your greatest recruitment tools.

Identify upcoming positions that need to be filled. Every organization should always be thinking ahead. What are the next two to three positions that we will need to fill. As you identify these begin watching for the right person (praying and observing).

Resource for Success every person you identify as a potential leader. Provide quality training on-site or away. What other resources are necessary for the right person to have success in this position? What additional resources will be beneficial?

Remain open and available for communication. Empower people to lead and give them freedom to lead, while remaining open to communication between you and all levels of leadership in your organization. As you approach potential leaders, they already know if you are open to assisting them in fruitful leadership. The way you assist and treat current leaders impacts how open potential leaders are to serving in leadership within your organization.

Here are characteristics found in fruitful leaders.

  • Positive attitude in all things,
  • know how to positively lead people,
  • teachable,
  • willing to learn and attend training.
  •  Spiritual leaders must have a deep conviction and commitment to the Holy Spirit’s leading.

Identifying potential leaders is the responsibility of every leader. What are you doing to identify and develop new leaders? How will you improve your identification of new leaders this week?

George Yates is an Organizational Health Strategist and coach, assisting churches, organizations, and individuals in pursuing God’s purpose for life. Click here to receive this blog in your email inbox each Tuesday.