No matter how intelligent and skilled your people are, no one will ever reach his/her potential if they lack confidence. Effective, fruitful leaders always work to build and boost the self-esteem of their team members, knowing when people believe in themselves greater potential will be reached. As individuals reach their potential so will the organization.
In my opinion, the number one best way to build and boost self-esteem in others is the act of genuine encouragement. Encourage each individual member of your team or organization privately and in front of others. It is easy to be negative towards someone not matching the expectations of an organization. For most of us it takes a disciplined heart and mind to build up in these situations.
Instead of discouraging someone by verbally beating her down for what she is not doing efficiently, why not encourage her in what she is doing well. You can find the good if you look. The issue is we often refuse to look beyond the negative. Therefore, we act out of the negative which only lowers morale, not only the one person in question, but all who observe or work with this person.
I am not saying praise a person who is not performing adequately. Find something good in that person, encourage her in that area, then help her build on the needed performance enhancements. In doing this you will demonstrate that you care not only about the bottom-line of the organization, you will also demonstrate that you care for the development and the spirit of all individuals on your team or in your organization.
If the only thing you can find positive in Julie is that she is always early, why not start a conversation, “Julie, I notice that you are not only on time every day, you are at your station ready to go fifteen minutes early. I want to commend you for that. Also, I want you to know that you can come to me with any thoughts or suggestions on what we can do to build you into the very best you can be. What is the first thing you can think of right now that I can help you with?”
Julie may not respond that first time the way you need her to. That is okay. You can lead her with properly formulated questions to unearth and understand her needs to improve certain areas of her performance.
I am not writing about praising bad performance. Most people do not realize how they can improve, they need a little coaching. Sometimes, a “little” coaching is all it takes. Beating down, using disparaging comments never builds up.
If you desire better performance, always encourage. Find ways to encourage every member of your organization (family, church, team). Encouragement always builds confidence. Confidence generates better performance leading to effective results. Remember encouragement always builds confidence.
George Yates is an Organizational Health Strategist and coach, assisting churches, organizations, and individuals in pursuing God’s purpose for life. Click here to receive this blog in your email inbox each Tuesday.