What Causes Decline in the Church?

Why are so many churches in decline today? What causes decline in churches?

Stop the declining trends in your church

 I believe there is more than one cause for decline and each church has its own cause(s). Some churches face decline due to apathy within the church. Others suffer from decline because of a lack or loss of vision and purpose. Speaking with church members and leaders, you will find a plethora of reasons for the decline in churches today. However, most reasons can be traced back to one or possibly two causes.

If I had to list but one cause of decline in churches, I would reach for the words of Jesus to the church in Ephesus in Revelation 2:4, “Yet, I hold this against you, you have lost your first love.”

I am not writing to condemn the church or church practices, but to encourage and to uplift the church. This verse of scripture is difficult for us to hear and accept about our own church because we are the church. But we should not stop in reading this verse alone. In the next verse Jesus gives us the cure. He says, “Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.” Revelation 2:5 What a glorious revelation from our Lord and Savior to the people of the church at Ephesus and to you and me as part of today’s church.

Churches do not intentionally walk away from their purpose (first love). Decline is certainly not in the motives or objectives of any church. Oftentimes we get caught up in the busyness of church life to the detriment of being the church. Other times it is being the church that begins the slide.

Being versus doing requires a tender balance. Faith without works is dead so we know we are commissioned to “do.” However, we can also fall into the trap of doing and doing and doing and lose track of “being” God’s church. How is the balance in your church.

Portions of this article are excerpted from the introduction of Reaching the Summit: Avoiding and Reversing Decline in the Church. Visit here for more details and information.