Seven Questions to Assist Your Church & Personal Life

Seven Questions to Assist Your Church & Personal Life

Our last post pertained to church health and asked the question Is your church a healthy church? Today’s post lists seven questions that church members can answer individually or work together in a corporate setting. These seven questions are not designed to give a complete review or summation of the church’s health or the needs of the church. They are designed to assist church leaders in understanding the spiritual and physical commitment level of church members. The design is also to assist church members individually in assessing their own strengths and commitment level to the church.

The first question is a fairly broad based question. However, each answer given by church members should, and in most cases will, lead to the Great Commission. If you are part of a New Testament, Bible believing church the God-given purpose for your church is to fulfill The Great Commission. How that is accomplished varies according to the strengths and context of each individual church. You should not try to copy what someone else is doing. Instead, capture the principles behind their ministry endeavors. Then you can look to apply your church strengths along with that principle to come up with the ministry endeavor God desires for you. Again, it all leads back to The Great Commission. If any item, event, or article of ministry is not leading us to fulfill The Great Commission, then, in my opinion, we need to seriously look again at why we are undertaking this ministry endeavor.

The second question is a subjective one. It calls on the individual to answer from his or her perspective. A person who has had the church rally around her during a troubling time with a teenage son will likely praise the church and give a high score for question two. On the other hand, a person in the same church who felt abandoned and alone going through a divorce may give the same church a low score. This is the nature of subjective questions. They are based on each respondent’s personal perspective.

The third question is subjective as well. However, this question should be used to spark an objective discussion. When a list is compiled of perceived strengths a discussion can ensue as to whether each of these strengths is being used to fulfill The Great Commission – our purpose. If it is not being used to truly fulfill the Great Commission, can it be used in a way to fulfill The Great Commission?

Question four is both subjective and objective. Each respondent will render an answer based on his or her perspective making it subjective. Each answer must be considered by the body of believers as an opportunity for spiritual growth of the church, making it objective.

The final three questions turn the assessment to a personal level for each person participating. Using the responses of these three questions church leaders can learn the level of commitment, the perceived hurdles of individuals, and areas of needed equipping. Then leaders can begin developing strategies to both strengthen the body and to more effectively fulfill The Great Commission.

Use these questions to facilitate a church strengthening assessment in your congregation. Pray leading up to the assessment, pray as you enter the assessment meeting time and following the session as well. For more on this assessment and to have George Yates administer this for your congregation email me at George Yates and see more resources at SonC.A.R.E. Ministries website.

Your perspective is needed to understand the needs of our church. In all honesty and sincerity answer questions 1-7.

1. In your opinion, what is the purpose of the church? _______________________________________________________________

2. How is our church doing at fulfilling this purpose?


3. What are our strengths in fulfilling this purpose?


4. Where do we need strengthening?


5. My greatest hurdle in helping the church is…?


6. To assist me in becoming a fully mature disciple of Christ the church could ________________________________________________________

7. On a scale of 1-10, I am open to growing as a Christian and serving in and through this church?             1—2—3—4—5—6—7—8—9—10