It is a fact, we all like new things. A new car, new phone, jewelry, a new fishing rod & reel. We each could begin a list of new things we like and would like to have. For some, a new beginning would be ideal.
We are at the threshold of a new year. Consider it a new beginning for each one of us. We will soon have a new President, a new administration, a new work year (for those still working) with new vacation and personal days.
But most of all you and I have a new opportunity to grow in the grace & knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and Almighty God.
I shared a message on this topic Sunday using the scripture verse Isaiah 43:19, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
I believe as we sit on the threshold of a new year, we are sitting on the threshold of a new and greater opportunity than we’ve experienced previously. 2025 holds something for Christians that we have not seen in our lifetime – if we take hold of it.
Are you ready and willing to follow in a new way – a deeper, more concerted walk with God than ever before? This is the opportunity God has for you in 2025.
God had Isaiah share, “I am doing a new thing.” Doing is not past tense, it is present tense. God’s work continues in us each day of our lives.
God has a next step for each of us. He is doing a new thing and desires us to follow Him in greater and different ways in this next year.
He desires to grow you; therefore, you cannot stay in the same place. God stretches us to grow us. No growth takes place in the comfort zone.
Can you perceive going with God on an enhanced journey? He’ll not leave you or forsake you. In 2025 may your perceiving be, wherever He leads I’ll go.
Isaiah reminds the people of Israel in verse 19 that God has never left them alone. He has never forsaken them. He has always provided a way, a highway in the wilderness where there were no roads or paths to travel. In the desert, He provided streams of free flowing, thirst quenching, life-giving, living water.
God is your highway in the wilderness. He is your stream in the heated, dry conditions of the desert. God’s new thing is your highway and your thirst-quenching stream. Are you ready?
George Yates is an Organizational Health Strategist and coach, assisting churches, organizations, and individuals in pursuing God’s purpose for life. Click here to receive this blog in your email inbox each Tuesday.