Why Read?
I heard an alarming statistic recently I do not know the exact percentage, but most men will never read a book after leaving school. Can this be true? Apparently it is true. It is my belief that everyone should be a reader. A true leader is a reader and everyone is a leader at some level in our lives. Therefore, we should all be readers. There are so many benefits, advantages and reasons we should be readers. Let me relate just a couple.
First of all there are different types of books and different styles of reading. You read a newspaper differently than a novel. The way you read a blog post is different from the way you read a biography. Certainly the way you read a phone book or dictionary is different from a book on history. The way we read various types of writings is interesting – an interesting read for you someday. But today I want to focus on why we should be readers.
My wife reads for enjoyment and pleasure. She is a fast reader and reads a lot of stories, novels and fiction. I on the other hand am a slow reader. Therefore I do not take time to read fiction. More than ninety percent of what I read is for education. A large portion of our reading material should be for self-improvement. Our reading should not be categorized into learning more information. Information does not produce learning. – It may produce a good trivia buff, but not life-changing learning. Reading for educational purposes is to read for a better understanding of a particular subject or lifestyle. I read about leadership because I desire to be a better leader and I want to be able to lead others to be better leaders.
We should not read to refute or invalidate another person. Instead we should read for insight and consideration, for contemplation and reflection. I do not read to debate or contradict others. I read to test and stretch my knowledge base in several areas (leadership, strategic planning, spiritual growth, people skills, etc.). Not for the sake of knowledge, but because I want to weigh what I know with what I can achieve. I read to know how and where I can improve in my life. Life is bigger than me so I read to improve my life and to help others along life’s road as well.
We should read to acquire current information, knowledge, and expertise to keep up with the times. Otherwise I might be writing this on a typewriter and not be able to post it to the internet. If I cannot keep current, I will not be an effective leader. And remember we are all leaders in one area or another of our lives. I want to be well informed and capable to progress in my live and to help others to do likewise.
Oswald Sanders writes, “A good book has great power.” And I agree wholeheartedly. If you are not a reader, set out to change your habits and become a reader. Begin with 10-15 minutes each day and build from there. If you are a reader, examine your reading qualities and the material you read. Do your reading habits promote and stimulate growth in your life and guide you in leading others in growth as well? Thirty minutes of quality reading each day will bring you great rewards and keep your mind fresh and crisp with knowledge and power. Power to change lives, yours and those you influence as well.
Here’s to happy and joyful reading.
For more information on this topic or to learn about SonC.A.R.E. Ministries contact George Yates and visit the SonC.A.R.E. website.