Living for the Ripple Effect

Drop a small stone in the water and what happens? That one small splash creates a ripple effect of concentric circles widening out from where the stone broke the water’s surface.

What happens when you drop several stones in the water? The ripples from the different stones can intersect creating small waves that begin moving a larger surface area of water.  This is the nature of leadership. It is the nature of influence, and it is what you and I as believers in Christ have been called to do.

Acts chapter 9 verses 19-28 give us some insight into creating ripples for Christ. First,

  1. Exercising Brings Greater Strength

In Damascus, Paul was causing a ripple effect, stirring the waters. And look at what happened to him. Verse 22 says, But Saul kept increasing in strength and confounding the Jews who lived at Damascus by proving that this Jesus is the Christ.

Saul was gaining in strength – this is spiritual strength and wisdom, a voice to be heard. The more he shared with others, the more his spiritual strength increased.

  1. Greater Strength Creates Longer Lasting Ripples

Paul’s ministry would continue to produce a ripple effect throughout his life with Timothy, Titus, and so many others he influenced in the churches he started throughout his ministry.

Paul’s ripple effect continues still today. Christ created ripples with His Disciples, who in turn created ripples with the Israelites in Jerusalem establishing the earliest of New Testament churches. These believers continued the ripple effect by taking the gospel away from Jerusalem,

Each ripple influences another. All of these ripples began with Jesus, and they led to a change in the world like civilization has never known. That is the power of ripples. And it is the power that you and I have through Jesus Christ.

That ripple effect started by Jesus has come down through the centuries until someone’s ripple influenced you. That ripple affected your life. Now it is your turn.

  1. The Ripple Effect Lives On –

Once a pebble is dropped in the water, you can no longer see the pebble. But you can see the ripple effect long after the pebble disappears. Do your friends continue to see the ripples of Christianity after you have left the conversation? What will be seen after your life is over? What will be said of the ripples you leave behind?

What is within your grasp to create a ripple effect in the lives of people around you? How will you be intentional about creating ripples this week?

George Yates is an Organizational Health Strategist and coach, assisting churches, organizations, and individuals in pursuing God’s purpose for life. Click here to receive this blog in your email inbox each Tuesday.