Better than Motivation, Try This

You often hear people speak of motivating others. There is even a category of speakers called “motivational”.  I enjoy motivating others and I’ve taught and written on motivational topics. However, there is something much greater than motivation, and I try to use it regularly – daily.

Motivating denotes getting people to do something they are not planning or wanting to do. Motivation can be used in leadership. But can it not also be slight manipulation? My findings are that motivation is short-lived and therefore more and greater motivation will be required after the initial motivation wears off.

I remember when I was starting in sales, our company owner or our manager would offer financial rewards, as one hundred dollars for the first person to sell three machines (vacuum cleaners) on a given day. Jim Freeman or I, would win, always, no matter the reward or contest. After a few of these contests other salespeople faded away, not even attempting to compete.

Even for Jim and I the motivation became, not the money but the competition with each other. The motivation waned for everyone. Though we did enjoy the money. Motivation is like dangling the carrot in front of someone. Craig Groeschel has said that motivation is more like pushing someone to do something.

So, what is better for those you lead than motivation? Inspiration! Inspiring someone is to bring them along which is the definition of leadership, to bring along with you. To inspire is to help others reach inside him/herself for his/her best. Now, more than motivate, my desire is to inspire others to reach for their potential. Here are a few ways to inspire others.

  • Reside in genuine humility
  • Build an atmosphere of trust and confidence
  • Set organization values
  • Celebrate all victories, big and small, celebrate those in your circle of influence
  • Share of your personal vulnerabilities
  • Develop an atmosphere of openness to creativity and inquisitiveness
  • Assist all others in increasing his/her skills and abilities
  • Empower all members at all levels by giving them the freedoms to grow themselves and the organization.

These are but a few. Yet, improving these few attributes in your leadership will inspire others to strive for greater achievement for themselves and your organization. Inspiration is not about a rousing speech, that’s motivation. Inspiration comes from inside. It’s the genuineness of wanting to bring others along on the journey. What can you achieve this week to be a greater inspiration to others?

George Yates is an Organizational Health Strategist and coach, assisting churches, organizations, and individuals in pursuing God’s purpose for life. Click here to receive this blog in your email inbox each Tuesday.