How to Dress For Church

Occasionally I receive comments or questions regarding the way I dress for church. When preaching, I almost always wear a jacket and tie, or maybe a suit (depending on the church). I sometimes hear, “You know you do not have to always dress up (wear a tie or suit).” Other times It is the opposite, “I’m glad we’ve got someone in the pulpit who will wear a suit.

I’ll share my answer to both later in this post. Not quite like the music wars of the nineties and beyond, church dress continues to be a topic of discussion. Some use it as an excuse not to attend. Others want to condemn those who dress differently.

A young lady, in her thirties began attending our church (a few years and churches ago). She had never been in church before. We were helping her on her spiritual journey. She always wore blue jeans.She attended faithfully for two to three months. Then one Sunday, she did not attend. Myself and another gentleman went to her home for a visit – yes after she missed only one week. When you wait until someone misses three weeks, you’ve lost them. Show them that you care. But that’s another post.

This lady met us in her driveway and welcomed us, gladly. When I stated we missed her the previous Sunday, she said, “One of ‘your’ ladies said I need to learn how to dress for church and that I need to wear a dress. – I don’t own a dress.” I was immediately deflated.

Because of one careless – unbiblical – comment, she thought she could not attend church. Though we tried to convince her that was not God’s desire and certainly not the consensus of the church, she never returned.

Whether you wear blue jeans or suit and tie, you do not own the market of what to wear to church. My answer to the opening questions, comments; “I wear Jackets and ties because I have a closet full of them and I am comfortable in them. I do not wear them to impress anyone nor to influence anyone in what they should wear.

Because of what God has done for me giving His best, I do believe that when I come to worship God that I should dress a little better than what I would wear to Walmart or around the house. Again, that is me and my opinion, my belief for me.

What God cares about more than blue jeans or suits is how you come spiritually dressed. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7) If your concern is about what the preacher or others are wearing in the church, you are not able to focus on the right thing – worshiping God. Before you arrive…

1, Pray for a heart and eyes that focus on God alone.

2, When you see something that may distract you, ask God to help you see through His eyes.

3, In all things, go deeper in heart-felt worship of the one true God who sent His Son to die for you.

If these don’t work for you, study the wardrobe God prescribes in Ephesians 6:10-18, the full armor of God.

George Yates is an Organizational Health Strategist and coach, assisting churches, organizations, and individuals in pursuing God’s purpose for life. Click here to receive this blog in your email inbox each Tuesday.