Have you ever walked in the dark carrying a light behind you? A light behind you will not light the path in front of you. Thes same is true with a light focused on you. To make forward progress, to advance in the dark, you must remain behind the light. To see the path in front of you must remain behind the light. When walking a dark path, we all know to keep the light focused on the path in front of us.
Leaders will do well to take a lesson from walking a dark path and the shining light concept. Effective leaders never shine the light on themselves. This should be understood as common practice, yet often it is not. Too many people in leadership positions have as their first priority to always have the light shining on themselves. This habitually comes from the lack of understanding the shining light concept.
A light shining on yourself will not only not illuminate your path, but it will also blind you to the obstacles along the path. It is also easy to be blinded in life and leadership when we desire the light shining on ourselves instead of focusing the light on the path ahead. Society has trained us to shine the light on ourselves. In doing so, it has failed to equip us with the knowledge needed to turn the light to guide us on the path ahead.
An effective leader will always keep the light in front of himself and focused on the path ahead, not turned to illuminate the leader. When the light is focused on the path ahead, everyone walking with the leader sees what lies ahead and the entire group makes forward progress. In this situation, the person with the light is truly leading with the light focused as it should be – for everyone’s benefit.
When you remain behind the light allowing it to light the path, everyone benefits, including the leader. This leader not only has a title, he/she is truly leading others by guiding them with the beam of the light casting forward. The leader benefits as people and the organization moves forward. All following the light will begin to trust and respect the leader for his/her role in the organization’s progress.
In your roles of leadership, at work, home, church, and other areas, where is the light focused? Is it on you as you attempt to climb the ladder of success, or as you try to prove why you are better than others? If so, I pray you will see the light (pun intended) and turn the light around, insuring you stay behind the light, illuminating the way for every man, woman, boy, and girl who look to you for leadership. Stay behind the light, positioning it so that all will have a safe and confident journey, making forward progress.
As we stay behind the light, we are always able to walk toward and into the light.
George Yates is an Organizational Health Strategist and coach, assisting churches, organizations, and individuals in pursuing God’s purpose for life. Click here to receive this blog in your email inbox each Tuesday.