Get Excited, Do Something Useful!

The following is based on a story I shared in my message at church on Sunday. It has perhaps several learning points for each of us. But the one that stands out to me is that people get excited about using their gifts and talents for God.

People get excited about using what God has given them for ministry.

A couple of churches I’ve served in engaged in a move to lay ministry mobilization – helping our members to realize their potential for ministry. At one church we mailed ministry opportunity packets to every member household. Included in the packet was a ministry opportunity booklet, a Ministry Opportunities card (for each adult) and a letter from me describing the packet and the reason behind it.

On the Ministry Opportunity card was printed every ministry opportunity available in and through the church for our members. We listed everything from Sunday School teachers in every age group, to set up, clean up for special events, even cleaning restrooms and emptying trash. In all there were listed 212 opportunities for our members to be involved in serving others in and through the ministries of our church. Yes, several of these included local community ministry opportunities outside the church. Each ministry opportunity on the card had a number (1-212) beside it and a check box.

The accompanying booklet had all Ministry opportunities listed in the same order with a two sentence description listed beside the corresponding number and title. We mailed the packet out so everyone would receive it ten days in advance of our “ingathering service.”

Then we held a service one Sunday and invited all members to bring their cards filled out and to lay them on the altar during the invitation. The Sunday after the packets were mailed (one week prior to the ingathering service) one lady came running across the parking lot in a dress and heels calling my name excitedly. When she got to where my wife and I were standing, she grabbed my wrists with her hands excited and said, Bro. George, You mean I can serve God by cleaning bath rooms?”

This lady had recently entered into a personal relationship with God. Without a formal degree or high school diploma and little knowledge of serving, she was excited that she could use her talents to serve God by cleaning the church bathrooms and also cleaning the bathrooms on her job in the public school system. People get excited about using their abilities and talents for Jesus. What about you? What gifts, talents, abilities, and resources has God given you? God has given you a mix that only you can give back to Him. You give it back by serving others. And each one of us has a special calling to serve God through serving others.

For more on this topic contact George Yates and visit SonC.A.R.E. Ministries.