What to Treasure?

December is a busy month and for most it is a fun month. For some the joy of the season becomes overshadowed by sickness and loss. December is a month filled with shopping, visiting with friends and family; a month with parties and get togethers; a month of giving and receiving.

And it all began to commemorate and celebrate the greatest gift of all – the gift of eternal life through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God’s only Son.

If Jesus had not left His throne and all the splendor of heaven to be born of a virgin, Mary, you and I would not know the victory and peace of having life in heaven after this life on earth is finished. Nor would we enjoy many of the blessings and wonderful memories we share today.

December is a month full of memories. What memories do you have of Christmas? Each one of us in December whether intentionally or not spend time reminiscing of Christmases past. And that is okay. God gives us memories to encourage and bring a smile to our face.

Think for a moment of one or more of your favorite Christmas memories. Does your memory include a gift or a person?

Even if your thoughts were of a gift, my guess is you also thought of who gave that gift. You see though some of our memories are of gifts or things received, I believe memories are predicated on relationships. The things that you treasure, the memories you recall, are based on relationships.

In your memories of Christmases past, do you have memories of Jesus and what God has done in your life? Not thoughts of your depiction of the manger scene – but of God in your life?

Look with me at Luke chapter 2 verse 19. But Mary was treasuring up all these things in her heart and meditating on them. (HCSB)

What was Mary treasuring? What was her treasure based on? 

I believe Mary was treasuring what the shepherds told her and Joseph about the angel’s visit and the proclamation of the angel that this was the Christ-child, the Messiah.

More importantly than the story being told, I believe Mary was treasuring every thought that she was so blessed to be in the presence of the long awaited Messiah. Mary understood that she was truly in the presence of God.

I believe she was treasuring every word of how the angel came upon the shepherds in the field and she was trying to absorb, soak in every word spoken by the angel about this night and the son she was blessed to give birth to.

There is no doubt in my mind that Mary was also placing these treasured moments in her memory bank right along with the visit she received from the Angel less than a year prior to this special night.

Mary was building a chest full of treasures, wonderful God-filled memories of which nothing can compare.

God is gifting you today with blessings of treasures. Your treasures today may come from being with family and friends. Your treasures may include a quiet few moments sitting and enjoying the lighted Christmas tree. For Mary it was in the visit from the shepherds whom she had never met. Where is God blessing you today? Where is He giving you treasures of blessing?

Don’t pass them up or overlook them with the worries and concerns of the day. Listen, observe, and believe in the treasures of the day. The greatest treasure of all is the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ – who’s Birthday we celebrate today.

All is well, All is Well – Go and tell.
Angels and men rejoice
Lift up your voice and sing.
Christ has come – Go and tell!

 My prayer for you today is a very Merry Christmas to you and your family!