Are You a Practicing Bellwether?

Every shepherd has a sheep that he calls the bellwether. And everywhere the shepherd goes he’s with him. The bellwether soon understands the heart of the shepherd, and the bond between them grows everyday. In every way.

And the bellwether walks with the lost sheep. Spends time with those who have roamed. And when he returns to the shepherd, one by one they follow him home.

God’s only Son left His throne to become our bellwether. His life He gave to seek and save the lost sheep. The perfect lamb who knew no sin said, “Here am I, send me”. I’ll lead the way so those who’ve strayed can follow. Follow me home.

Now He waits for me and you to take them the good news. There is a path that leads them home to safety. They’re hurting and scared, scattered everywhere. They need to know – with open arms He’s waiting.

And the bellwether walks with the lost sheep. Spends time with those who have roamed. And when he returns to the shepherd, one by one they follow him home.

These are the words to a song written by Eddie Carswell for the Christian music group NEWSONG from a few years ago. It is a beautiful song with beautiful words and music score.

After hearing this song, I purchased the CD, read the words, and began researching ‘bellwether’. The words of the song are true and what a powerful word picture for Christians. The bellwether becomes a leader, mentor and guide for the other sheep. He is the lead sheep for a shepherd, with a bell around his neck.

By spending time with the shepherd he learns the desires of the shepherd for his sheep. The bellwether follows the shepherd and his wishes. The other sheep in turn follow the bellwether. If any of the sheep go astray or roams away from the flock, the bellwether goes to them, spends time with them, and leads them back to the flock and to the shepherd.

The picture I get is the bellwether goes to the lost or stray sheep not in a rage or in anger but in gentleness and love of the shepherd. The bellwether does not rebuke in sheep talk, rather he lovingly leads the sheep back to the shepherd, not forcibly but quietly and sensitively.

What a great picture Eddie has so beautifully painted with the words to “Bellwether” for Christians today. Notice also, how the picture unfolds. First, he describes to us what a bellwether is. In the second verse, he illustrates how Jesus is our bellwether. Then,  in the third verse he explicates how we as Christians are to be the bellwether to our flock and our community.

Now He waits for me and you. To take them the good news.There is a path that leads them home to safety. They’re hurting and scared, scattered everywhere.They need to know – with open arms He’s waiting.  

And the bellwether walks with the lost sheep. Spends time with those who have roamed. And when he returns to the shepherd, one by one they follow him home.

Are you a bellwhether creating more bellwethers? What will you do this week to be and to build a bellwether?

Listen to the song at and I encourage you to purchase the CD! Thank you Eddie Carswell!