Hired Beyond Human Expectation

“How did you get hired?” I was asked this question by a corporate recruiter three to four months after he interviewed and hired me into a management position with the second largest hard-lines retailer of its kind in the nation. My only response to him was, “You hired me.” It was true. After going through the interview and testing process this man made the final decision.  So, why  did I find myself sitting in an office across from this man from corporate office being asked this question?

The tone of his voice had declared he was not second guessing his decision. I was not underperforming. In fact I was moving through the management training program at an accelerated pace.  His response to me when I said, “You hired me.” Was, “I know I did. But you cannot get into the management training program with us (company) without a college degree or coming up through the ranks of one of our stores which takes years.” I knew this from the interviewing process and was surprised when I had received the call that the job was mine if I desired. He went on to say, “You have neither. So, how did you get hired?” He said it with a slight smile.  I believe he knew as well as I did at that moment that this was a God-thing. Somehow God had blinded this man and other decision makers through the interviewing process – blinded them to the company policy and my lack of meeting those requirements.

The management training course was a 10-12 month process. I completed it in less than six months and was in a store supervising the sales floor and operations. During my seven year tenure with that company God blessed me tremendously and grew me greatly. The leadership training this company provided for it’s leadership was second to none in the western hemisphere. In fact it was so good that other companies were continuously stealing away this company’s leaders with higher pay, benefits, and other incentives. I had several opportunities to leave. God would later show me why He had me there for the seven years.

Retail management is very demanding on your time. I often worked 80-100+ hours a week while also serving as youth minister for a growing church. At one point my wife and I began praying for God to move me out of that company and into a position where I could better serve Him. Instead of moving me out, God moved my supervisor out. He accepted a position at the company’s main offices. This was not a bad or evil man, though his actions sometimes seemed a little vindictive or perhaps spiteful. We were relieved at his transfer but not certain what the next supervisor would be like.

While sitting in my office one morning I saw my new supervisor for the first time as he entered the office hallway carrying a box into the empty office across the hall from mine, that was to be his office. I went over to introduce myself and as soon as I said my name he turned to me and said, “I hear you like to go to church. From now on when it is your Sunday to work, you come in after church.” Wow! What a change from the man who previously occupied this office. It was at that moment that I realized God was telling me He had heard our prayers. And He was clearly telling me that he was not finished with me yet at this company.

Over the next three to four years I was able to see the hand of God at work with opportunities to share not only my Christian walk, but also scripture, counseling, and leading persons to faith in Christ. At one point a discussion arose among the sales people and other employees as to what was the impardonable sin. Apparently after some time of discussion a couple of employees came to me and I was able to write a two page paper on the topic (sharing the gospel in the midst) and gave it to be distributed amongst the employees who desired to read it.

About three years after I left the company and was serving full time in ministry at a local church my path crossed with one of my former employees. This young man had been a good employee for a couple of years until one day he used bad judgment. That day I terminated this employee for theft. But now some five years later when we met he told of his current life situation including his engagement to be married. Then he asked if I would perform the marriage ceremony. This man that I had terminated – I had fired – was asking me to perform his wedding ceremony. I agreed and during our second pre-marital counseling session, he and his fiancé accepted Christ as personal Lord and Savior of their lives. They began a new walk together as one and one with the Lord.

You never know how or when God is going to use you. Don’t close the door because you want something better or because you do not believe that you belong. God has far greater vision than you or I. Keep praying and keep your eyes on God. He will lead you into opportunities that you never dreamed possible. So when a question comes to you similar to, “How did you get hired?” don’t fight it. Instead, smile, look up and say, “I’m ready Lord. Let’s do this!”