Organizational Decline is Most Often Self-inflicted.

Most organizations do not fall in one clear-cut, knock-down drop. There is normally a series of digression. An examination of the organization will, in most cases, show a departure from the original purpose and core values of the organization. The initial signs of decline may be subtle and ignored or explained away. This first phase can go on for several years without notice.

In the church for example, early decline in attendance is most always excused as, “We had several families move away.” Or “Several of our members passed away and their families no longer attend.” Another familiar line is, “Our senior adults just can’t get out like they once could.” A decline in financial support is often explained away with statements involving the economy or loss of jobs in the community.

In the above statements and most others given, the reasons are outward focused. All of the reasons have to do with outside influences. Our reasons (or excuses) are of outside influences that we have little or no control over because it is easier and less painful to excuse away decline as the fault of someone or something rather than to accept responsibility for something we did or did not do. Rarely is thought given to the possibility of impact from the organization’s leadership or ministry practices. We do not want to look inside. After all, it is much easier and less painful when we can find an outside reason for decline. When I was a child everyone liked playing “Pin the tail on the donkey.” But no one wanted to be the donkey. One does not take favorably to “pinning” something on oneself or allowing others to pin something on us. Whether we want to admit it or not, organizational decline is most often self-inflicted.

I believe there are phases of decline that the church or similar organization encounters. While the first two phases are normally subtle and slow at producing decline, they are critical as the years a church lives in phase one and two are pouring a new false foundation for the church. This false foundation is one of indifference and disconcerting mind-sets for church members and leaders alike. If this is not addressed and a course set for reversal, it will lead to an apathetic view-point for the unchurched souls of your community and beyond. Furthermore, it will catapult you into deeper decline.

Once this mindset establishes itself the self-infliction of decline increases and the further into decline a church recesses, the more in-turned the church becomes. In-turned means we become less and less outward focused and more and more content on doing things for the members inside the church at the expense of the lost communities we have been called to serve. The purpose or mission moves from reaching the lost for Christ, to “we’re here, we hope you come.” to “if they come they come, if not it is their fault.” to “why aren’t we growing, they won’t come.” to “I just don’t know what happened, we tried.” Organizational decline is in most cases self-inflicted. And oftentimes we do not even realize it.

The good news is every church can make a turn-around and experience reversal of declining trends as long as they act quickly enough. The truth however, is that most churches will slip through the phases of decline and not reach out for assistance until they are desperate and in such need to keep the church from closing its doors in dissolution. Do not be afraid to ask for help! It is okay to have someone from the outside use their skills and abilities to assist your church in becoming once again what God intended.

For more information on reversing declining trends (or avoiding these trends) contact George Yates and visit SonC.A.R.E. Ministries.

This post has been adapted from Reaching the Summit: Avoiding and Reversing Decline in the Church