Four Ways Leaders Practice Faith Building

Heeding Jethro’s counsel, Moses began enlisting and building spiritual leaders. Jesus’ spent a little more than three years building the faith of those He would leave to accomplish His Father’s work. Throughout scripture we read of spiritual leaders building the faith of others and encouraging them to become strong leaders. The primary task of all spiritual leaders is to lead others in faith building. Those people God has put in your charge, your circle of influence, you are to lead these in building their faith.

The Apostle Paul is one great example of this. Anyone who has been in church any length of time knows of Paul’s relationship with the younger Timothy – his encouraging Timothy in developing his leadership abilities and strengthening his faith. Not only Timothy, each one of the letters of Paul included in the Holy Bible demonstrate Paul’s work, even from prison, in building up the faith of others. Dr. Luke’s account of Paul’s life in the book of Acts records the same enthusiasm of the Apostle.

What can we learn from the life of Paul and other spiritual leaders in the Bible? Actually there is much to learn. Here is but a few thoughts.

Demonstrate faith and faith buildingGod places people around us who will encourage and influence us. He also places around us people who we will influence and encourage. The question is how are you influencing those God has placed around you? God’s desire is for each spiritual leader to work, building the faith of others. The only way we can do this is to be people of faith. You cannot lead from a position you know nothing about. The apostle was certainly a living example of true, unbridled faith.

Teach the principles of faith – Each of Paul’s letters in scripture have a teaching component. Each letter was different and specific to its intended audience. Yet each letter speaks into my life and yours today, nearly 2,000 years later. In Ephesians chapter 4 he writes of this very topic: “…for the training of the saints in the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ.” How is your life a walking, equipping, faith building experience for others?

To be a leader is to be a learner – To be a leader is to be a learner. To be a learner is to be a reader. Certainly we can learn by other methods besides reading. However, reading is a great gift we have, and in our information, technologically driven age today we have almost unlimited opportunities to be leading readers. Reading for knowledge and wisdom improves the thought processes of our mind and increases our decision making skills. The Apostle Paul was certainly a reader. Even in prison in an age when owning books to read was not common, he wrote to Timothy and told him to come quickly and bring my books…(2 Timothy 4:13)

Utilize every opportunity – in life there are times of joy, and sorrow, success, and failure, trials and victories. Every situation offers an opportunity to build faith – our own faith and the faith of others. Too often we do not recognize these opportunities because we are not looking for them. Even in times of hardship and when others disappoint or even walk away from us, there is a faith building opportunity. The Apostle Paul early in his ministry rebuked and refused to have anything to do with a young John Mark who deserted him. Yet later in life he wrote to Timothy saying “Bring John Mark with you. For he is good for me…” (2 Timothy 4:11) Remember, God places people around you for specific reasons. Do not let a setback or disappointment from someone keep you from missing God’s plan for you to build that person’s faith.

There is truly much we can learn from the leaders God chose to use and recorded in scripture. Read more about them in God’s Holy Word and practice daily the leadership skills and abilities God reveals to you!

For more on this topic contact George Yates and visit SonC.A.R.E. Ministries.