Why Are So Many Churches in Decline?

RTS cover1People often ask, “Why are so many churches in decline today?” and “What causes decline?” If only it were simple to give a one sentence answer to these two questions. Yet it is not that simple, at least not on the surface. First, we must determine what constitutes a declining church. In the introduction of Reaching the Summit I lay out some of the guidelines that I use for this determination.

There are differing reasons for decline in churches; apathy within the church, loss of vision, lack of purpose, jumping from one ‘next big thing’ to another, and the list goes on. When asked, leaders and members inside the church will give a number of reasons, many of which have to do with outside circumstances, the economy, changing culture, the new church down the street, and more. The difficulty I have with these is you had no control over these when things were going good and you have no control over them now. Therefore, why do we use these as our scapegoat for the church’s current condition?

As God has called us to build His church, has he stated “except in a bad economy” or “with the exception of…” No, He has not. I believe our God is bigger than any economy or cultural shift. Blaming outside forces or circumstances does not get the rebuilding job done. It hinders and keeps us from rebuilding. It does please our adversary. Yet we know that is not our intent.

I believe a better place to look is in God’s word to find a reason for the decline in so many churches today. As I prayed through those questions a few years ago the conclusion I came to can be found in Jesus’ own words in Revelation 2:4.”Yet I hold this against you, you have forsaken your first love.” (NIV) That can be a bitter pill to swallow, at least about our own church. “It may be true of many other churches, but not mine.” When we examine the issue fully, open, and honestly, I believe this is where we need to begin.

Great news is found in the very next verse, Revelation 2:5, Jesus gives us the prescription we need today. “Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you you did at first.” (NIV) He is not saying go back to big tent revivals and the methods of yesterday. Jesus is advising us to get back to the love we shared and the compassion with which we shared it. What a glorious revelation to the church at Ephesus and to you and me today as well. What was the passion that drove us in those tent revivals and the “Million More in ’54”? That is where we will find the big tent revivals of today.

God has called you and placed you at the particular place you are serving at this specific time in history to join Him in building His church. He desires to do great things through you. What will you do today in light of Revelation 2:4-5 to bring His light back into the community around you and through the local body of believers in which He has placed you?

For more information on avoiding and reversing decline in your church visit soncare.net, pick up your copy of Reaching the Summit,  and contact George L. Yates at SonC.A.R.E. Ministries.